Calculate a range of topological properties for one or more phylogenetic trees.

phyloTop(treeList, funcs = "all", normalise = FALSE)



a list or multiPhylo object, or a single tree of class phylo or phylo4. All trees should be binary and rooted; if not they will be coerced into binary rooted trees using multi2di, if possible.


a list of functions. The default is to apply all of the topological functions from the package, but a subset can be specified instead. The functions available are:


option to normalise the results of functions where possible. Default is FALSE


A matrix where rows correspond to trees and columns correspond to topological properties.


Michelle Kendall


## Apply all of the functions to a list of 10 random trees, each with 50 tips:
#>    avgLadder cherries colless.phylo ILnumber maxHeight pitchforks sackin.phylo
#> 1   2.250000       16           102       18        10          8          326
#> 2   2.333333       17           146       16        11          9          344
#> 3   3.333333       16           223       18        13          6          411
#> 4   2.333333       18            95       14         9          7          315
#> 5   2.400000       15           101       20         9         10          323
#> 6   3.666667       15           178       20        13          9          376
#> 7   3.000000       16           162       18        12          8          364
#> 8   2.750000       16           167       18        12         10          365
#> 9   3.000000       14           187       22        12         11          381
#> 10  2.250000       16           142       18        11          8          342
#>      stairs1   stairs2
#> 1  0.5918367 0.6429354
#> 2  0.6122449 0.6347048
#> 3  0.6326531 0.5880005
#> 4  0.5510204 0.7047983
#> 5  0.6122449 0.6476444
#> 6  0.6734694 0.5885160
#> 7  0.6122449 0.6095640
#> 8  0.5918367 0.6438705
#> 9  0.6938776 0.6015093
#> 10 0.6530612 0.6266751
## Normalising the results where possible:
phyloTop(rmtree(10,50), normalise=TRUE)
#>     avgLadder cherries colless.phylo  ILnumber maxHeight pitchforks
#> 1  0.04166667     0.76    0.09778912 0.2500000 0.2040816       0.60
#> 2  0.04861111     0.64    0.14710884 0.3750000 0.2244898       0.60
#> 3  0.04166667     0.72    0.08928571 0.2916667 0.2040816       0.48
#> 4  0.04166667     0.76    0.14540816 0.2500000 0.2448980       0.42
#> 5  0.04166667     0.68    0.10544218 0.3333333 0.2040816       0.42
#> 6  0.07291667     0.60    0.09948980 0.4166667 0.2040816       0.60
#> 7  0.06250000     0.72    0.14370748 0.2916667 0.2244898       0.42
#> 8  0.04687500     0.72    0.10544218 0.2916667 0.2040816       0.42
#> 9  0.04687500     0.68    0.10374150 0.3333333 0.2040816       0.54
#> 10 0.05729167     0.60    0.17431973 0.4166667 0.2448980       0.66
#>    sackin.phylo   stairs1   stairs2
#> 1     0.2566719 0.5510204 0.7292962
#> 2     0.2959184 0.6122449 0.6326441
#> 3     0.2551020 0.5510204 0.6932177
#> 4     0.2943485 0.5918367 0.6656566
#> 5     0.2668760 0.6122449 0.6499187
#> 6     0.2566719 0.6530612 0.6234052
#> 7     0.2927786 0.5714286 0.6519053
#> 8     0.2653061 0.5714286 0.6726322
#> 9     0.2637363 0.6122449 0.6694549
#> 10    0.3147567 0.6326531 0.5836043